I made a book! The Crystal Kids is here …


Hello! And Thanks for popping by…

(You’ve probably guessed I’m a little excited) I’m Gem and this is the place I’ll be sharing with you the exciting journey I’ve had in creating my first children’s picture book ‘ The Crystal kids’ . It’s the first book I’ve written and Illustrated and I can’t wait to share it with you!

I thought I’d kick of the blog by answering a few questions I’ve been asked recently, and if you think of any more please do feel free to ask!

Here we go …

Q: What is the ‘Crystal Kids’ book about?

A: The Crystal Kids is a magical adventure, following two sisters as they find little ways to help their friends and themselves with all sorts of issues and worries they are experiencing. They start to learn a little about crystals and how they can be a helpful tool when given to someone with the right intention and words accompanying them.

Q: What kinds of childhood worries are covered in this book?

A: Grief, anxiety, nightmares, parents separating, bullying. I must stress though that the book only lightly touches these subjects.

Q: Do you actually believe Crystals can fix children’s worries?

A : I don’t think crystals on their own can fix anything, but I do think that when they are used and given to someone as a kind gesture full of love and the right intentions, then this simple act alone can actually lighten someones day and could help them in so many ways, even if its just through a placebo effect.

Throughout history many people have believed crystals do hold all sorts of healing energy .. give it a google and you’ll find so much about this. It’s super interesting!

Q: What age is the book aimed at?

A: I would say 6 to 10 year olds. I think younger children would like to look at all the details in the images, it could be read as a bedtime story, but it also can be used to reference a few crystals and give children ideas on what they could use them for.

Q: What gave you the idea for this book?

A: I have always wanted to make a children’s book and becoming a mummy to my two daughters really inspired me to create something.

I started sketching my girls and writing short stories about 4 years ago now. Then after discovering how much they both loved my crystals (I have a little collection of them that I love) , we started to use them in simple ways to help alleviate a few worries they had. For example, holding a crystal and making a wish for no nightmares, then popping it under the pillow. Or keeping a tumble stone in a pocket to squeeze if nervous or worried about something. We found they really were a helpful tool for a bit of self healing and soothing.

My girls asked me if I could get them a book about crystals so they could find out more about which crystals would help with different things. I tried to find one and couldn’t. They all seemed a bit complicated and often a little boring so I decided to make my girls a book about crystals that I knew they would enjoy.

Then gradually this inspired the creation of the Crystal Kids story in my mind and it soon became a story I thought other children might enjoy too!

Q: Where did you learn to draw like this?

A: I think just practice and a pure love for drawing is the answer to this.

I have always loved drawing. It was my favourite thing to do as a child and it’s still one of my absolute favourite things to do!

I did follow a creative path in education but I think drawing is a skill I just developed on my own really. Although I do remember my dad teaching me how to draw 3d shapes, and a few art teachers showing me how to draw in proportion, and learning a few shading tips, but apart from these memories, I honestly feel I learnt through passion and love for pencil and paper and just creating things.

Do you have any questions you’d like to ask me?


Art from my heart!